Perusing all the great new styles and fashions for fall has me thinking how I never, ever seem to really change up my beauty routine...specifically the makeup I wear.  Truth be told, any attempts at a cat-eye have me looking cockeyed, and anything more that a light pink gloss on my lips leaves me feeling garish and clown-like.  However, at the risk of being stuck in a rut, or even worst...a time warp, I think I might want to tweak my look just a bit this fall...

As you can see, it's not a major overhaul.  Adding subtle shimmer to my eyes and some extra oomph in the eyelash department seem like just the thing for a more festive, evening look.  And, because I just can't seem to quit pretty sheer lip glosses, I thought I'd finally pick up one of these tubes that I've heard so many great things about.  Have you made any changes to your makeup bag recently?

top image via pinterest, original source unknown?

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